God Of War Gets A Next-Gen PlayStation 5 Upgrade Today

god of war playstation 5

God of War, the phenomenal hack and slash action from Sony’s Santa Monica Studio is set to get a PlayStation 5 upgrade today.

Hot on the heels of the rather controversial Control next-gen update that just landed, God of War is about to get a next-generation update that probably won’t anger any ancient deities. Set to land sometime today, the new lick of paint for God of War is likely to give the old man a new lease of life when it hits Sony’s newest console. Rather than an entirely new package, the PS5 version will be added as an update to the existing game, meaning that existing owners can simply plug in and play once the update has occurred.

Anybody lucky enough to have bagged a PlayStation 5 and all its shiny new features after some significant stock shortages at launch, thanks scalpers, should expect a significant upgrade to frame rates and resolution with the extra enhancements from Santa Monica Studio. Designated as an “ Enhanced Performance Experience mode”, this new version of the title will step up from the existing PS4 Pro Performance Mode, synching the frame rate on screen to 60FPS and adding 4K checkerboard resolution at the same time. Until now anybody cutting down monsters in the north had to choose either 1080p at 60FPS or 30FPS at higher resolutions. Even better, the majority of PlayStation owners will likely already have God of War in their digital catalogue. The game was available as part of the PlayStation + games during September 2020, allowing subscribers to grab the latest entry in the God of War franchise, and the new update, for no extra cost.

While we’d normally tell you about God of War, in case you missed the memo, this long running franchise is already iconic. It kicked off the tale of Kratos and his journey back in 2005 and has been something of a PlayStation exclusive since. The newest edition hit PlayStation 4 consoles back in 2018 to some serious critical acclaim and if you love gorgeous looking adventures and biceps then you can experience them in even higher definition later today. Check out more information on the new PS5 update on the associated blog.

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