Developer Thunderoak Interactive is back with a new update for mythological RTS Godsworn, including the addition of the new 7-player map with a PvE element: Apuole Hillfort.
Godsworn is a mythological real-time strategy that lets players experience an epic fantasy retelling of the Baltic Crusades. Witness pagan gods and their tribes clash against crusaders and armies of heaven. Choose a divine hero, rally your worshippers alongside mythical creatures, and smite the unworthy.
“At the top of the map is a neutral fortress that will raid the rest of the map. The first team to grant the fortress an amount of gold will become allies. Alternatively, the hillfort neutrals could be removed by force. This map lends itself well to various setups, such as a FFA match or 3v3s and 2v2s.”
Along with the map there are a bunch of changes that you can find below.
Godsworn – Content Update #9 Additions Include:
- New skirmish map: Apuole, a 7-player map with a neutral raider hillfort in the north.
- Walls now increase the range of units standing on them by 5.
- Tooltips should now only appear when hovering over the icon, and not stick around at random.
- In the Defense of Bartia challenge map, the victory check area has been decreased, this should help trigger victory better in case some enemy units got stuck somewhere far away.
- Call for Crusade no longer spawns units at the shrine if the shrine is destroyed.
- Stardaughter sweep should now scale with the correct stat (strength instead of power).
- Tech tree change for Bishop: the House of the Black Order no longer requires the divine skill, to make it possible to field Rogues earlier. The divine skill has been renamed Gunpowder, and now unlocks the gunpowder upgrades and unit (Cannon).
- Lietuven’s Ward vision range reduced by 20.
- Warrior attack speed is faster, from 2.2 to 2.
- Warrior cost reduced by 10 food and 10 wealth.
- Leshi base attack increased from 18 to 21.
- Skybull health regen increased by 1.
- Black Knight health regen increased by 1.
- Black Knight grenade throw range decreased from 16 to 10. No more olympic level ball throwing.
- Cherub health regen increased by 1.
- Bleeding status effect interval set to every 1 second, rather than 2 seconds.
- Bleeding status effect damage reduced from 20 to 15.
- Skirmisher base attack increased by 2.
- Skirmisher attack range increased by 1.
- Marauder cost reduced by 10 wealth.
- Blood Moon cost increased from 200 to 250.
- Sunbringer’s Passage cost reduced from 80 to 50.
- Ring of Namejs cost lowered from 400 to 300 wealth.
- Multiple Herbalists can now heal the same target.
- Time to upgrade Order faction resource buildings has been set to 50 seconds across the board.
- Bishop Conversion skill cost reduced by 10 faith.
- Bishop now starts the game with 2 militants and 1 rogue, instead of 3 militants.
- Blunt damage vs buildings reduced from 150% to 120%.
- Blunt damage vs shields increased from 100% to 130%.
- Meness Hidden Blade ability damage increased by 100.
- Footman hammer upgrade now locked behind the Blacksmith.
- Monk’s Brew glyph now works on all factions.
- Angel units no longer leave a soul to collect for a fraction of time before disappearing.
- Selling Indulgences was exploitable, the conversion rate has been reduced from 1:1 faith/gold to 1:0.75 faith/gold.