Godsworn Received Content Update #3

Godsworn Received Content Update #3 - Guardians of Ruhnu

Developer Thunderoak Interactive is back with another content update for mythological RTS Godsworn. Set during the time of the Northern Crusades, the game lets you take control of a divine hero. It is up to you to gather worshippers, rally your armies, and crush your enemies to claim these lands.

However, this update includes a new type of co-op challenge map called Guardians of Ruhnu. The developers describe as “RPG mode”: there is no basebuilding and you do not control worshippers. You start with only your hero and have a slightly modified ability roster to fit this gameplay style.

It is up to you to survive 30 waves of enemies while defending the people and buildings of Ruhnu. The team also advices to enjoy the new mode with friends.

Godsworn – Content Update #3 includes:


  • New achievement for completing Guardians of Ruhnu on insane difficulty.
  • New achievement for recruiting the bear on Ruhnu island.
  • New glyph: Affixed, reduces respawn time of heroes by 30 seconds.
  • New glyph: Summon Bear, allows summoning of a bear for a food cost.
  • There can now be zones that deny enemy godpowers. The shrine has a godpower denial zone to prevent players from just nuking the enemy shrine off the map.
  • The Raider torch throw now has a custom throw animation.
  • A new upgrade for Saule can be made in the Gathering Hut, granting +1 yield on Gathering Huts and Farmsteads.
  • Tweaked some player colors slightly to be more distinct from each other.
  • There is now a message when a player is sent resources from another player.


  • Snapping logic has been rewritten, fixing abilities ending up under bridges, and other height related issues such as floating cows.
  • Flooding Light no longer multiplies its effect per unit in the target area. To compensate, the heal has been upped to 400 health.
  • Demolishing an unbuilt building no longer leaves a build denial area.
  • Hard disabled start button for campaign once launched to avoid double spawning heroes.
  • Sharpened Weapons description fixed.
  • White Zaltys no longer multiplies its effect per unit in the target area, numbers have been adjusted to match.
  • Converted units should now be removed from active selections.
  • Pickups can no longer be picked up by 2 heroes at the same time.
  • Atonement no longer locks other friendly units in place other than the exploding target.
  • Teammate glyphs are now below the portrait instead of next to it.
  • Friendly fire warnings now also display in the divine skilltree and lobby inspector.
  • Picking random in the lobby now shows a question mark instead of the faction symbol.
  • Added anti-stuck behavior for building/garrison assignment.
  • Ranged units no longer run to their max range when not having a standing position.
  • Ausrine’s Stunning Lights sound effect now responds to SFX sound levels.
  • Fixed Pukis’ double stacking of power from loot.
  • Rejuvenate no longer stacks per unit and has been adjusted accordingly.
  • Reworked damage PFX system (buildings on fire) to not have a huge drain on memory.
  • Fixed a bunch of high memory intensive assets.
  • Skybull attack can no longer be interrupted to reset cooldown.
  • Skybull attack damage should be now aligned with the animation.
Written by
A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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