Google Gets into Video Games with Project Stream

Earlier this year, reports leaking out of Google led us to the conclusion that the chocolate factory was working on a gaming platform. Now, Google’s ambitions in the gaming market have become a little clearer with Project Stream.

Squirreled away in a blog update from Catherine Hsiao, Google Product Manager, the initial announcement of Google’s Project Stream describes how

We’ve been working on Project Stream, a technical test to solve some of the biggest challenges of streaming. For this test, we’re going to push the limits with one of the most demanding applications for streaming—a blockbuster video game.

Project Stream is ready to launch a technical test that will let participants play Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, which we reviewed here,  using the Chrome browser. This is a massive leap for streaming services, in more than one way, with footage from the current testing featured below.

If you want to participate in the testing you don’t have long. Testing begins on 5 October and there are a limited number of spaces. U.S. residents aged 17 or older with access to a chrome browser and an internet connection of 25 megabits per second can apply to test this technology at the official website. Of course, there is no charge to test this but that says nothing about how one of the world’s biggest tech companies intends to take on the gaming industry with this tech. Will this be just another Onlive. In a few days, the internet will probably decide.

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