GreedFall 2: The Dying World Shared Community Update #7

GreedFall 2 The Dying World Shared Community Update #7

With the year coming to its end, the developers of GreedFall 2: The Dying World have shared a new message and a community update to reflect on the game’s time in Early Access. The team chose to delay the 0.2 update to implement significant changes and improvements based on players’ feedback.

“It’s been a challenging but rewarding experience. While some aspects hit the mark and were widely appreciated, some didn’t, but we expected it. More importantly, we remain committed to building a great game alongside you and listening to your invaluable feedback every step of the way. While there’s much we’re excited to share, some news will have to wait for the right time.”

Most of the planned GreedFall 2 changes will be taking place gradually. As they need substantial work, Update 0.2 will only be the first step towards this end goal.

The developers have also revealed that one of the game’s character, Alvida, received a new voice actress. Thus, all her lines – both the news ones and the existing ones – will need to be recorded anew.

“We wish we could provide a release date, but we would rather wait until we’re certain. What we can promise is that our priority remains delivering a game that meets your expectations and takes your feedback into account. Ensuring your voices shape this journey has always been the goal of Early Access.”

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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