Following the release of Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition on PC and the flood of feedback regarding the port’s technical issues, the developers from Guerrilla Games have taken to the game’s Steam page to update players on the situation. The post reveals that the team is monitoring all of the available channels and are aware that some players are experiencing crashes and other technical issues: the investigation is currently the highest priority.
We appreciate those who have already taken the time to report their issues on Steam, Reddit, or via our website. If you are still encountering crashes or bugs, please continue to use those spaces, or refer to our FAQ if you are unsure of how to proceed. Your reports are, and have already been, incredibly helpful for our teams.
Mostly due to the technical difficulties, Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition is currently ranked as Mixed on Steam, with 62% of users recommending the game. Many Steam reviews suggest waiting for a discount or a number of patches before purchasing the title. Stay tuned for updates!