Guild Wars 2: End Of Dragons Gets A Third Beta This Month

Guild Wars 2: End Of Dragons Gets A Third Beta This Month - guild wars 2 mechanist

Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons gets a third beta event on the 26 October, giving players a chance to preview more elite specializations.

The next event for ArenaNet’s upcoming MMO expansion, End of Dragons is set to go live on 26 October and ArenaNet has confirmed what specializations players will get to try. The latest look into the new content coming to Guild Wars 2 will give Tyrians a chance to try out the final three elite specializations landing on Canthan shores. Between 26 October until 30 October, players will be able to get hands on with the Mechanist, the Specter, and the Untamed as these new variations on the game’s core classes introduce a new way to play Guild Wars 2.

The Mechanist

Jaded Engineers might have something to celebrate here as the Mechanist enters the arena next week. The mechanist introduces a new set of tools for this core class, but forget something as small as a change of kit. Grenades and goggles are out, humungous Jade Battlemechs are in. The newest form of Engineer will add a multi purpose battle mech, with its own range of abilities and some impressive looking firepower to the battlefield. Mech Commands are selected by the player’s trait choices—in effect, the specialization traits you choose customize your mech’s loadout for combat.
The mace will also unlock for Mechanists, allowing plenty of boons bonuses and support to other players and their own green giant as it busts out its ultimate weapon, the Jade Buster Cannon.

The Untamed

The penultimate elite specialization to be announced takes the Ranger and allows this ranged class to channel the ancient forces of nature to get up close and personal with opponents. Channeling these primal forces through their bond with their pets, the Untamed is a hammer wielding powerhouse that can switch from damage dealer to stoic defender. With a partner in battle, the Untamed channels powerful natural energies between the player and their pet, allowing the pet to take the lead, with greater player control and access to new abilities that disrupt and debilitate nearby enemies.

The Specter

Possibly one of the more difficult classes to turn to a new specialization, the Theif’s latest change of heart finds the Specter playing nice with others in the upcoming beta. The Specter harnesses the power of shadow magic to debilitate their enemies and help protect allies. While wielding a scepter, the newest weapon to the Theif’s arsenal, a Specter can wield these shadows to torment enemies and lay down new dual attacks based on your available off-hand weapons. Specters will be able to utilize a range of wells to shadow step across the world, bolster allies, and generally bother the opposition. You’ll also be able to directly protect your allies by tethering to another player and granting a protective barrier, shown in the trailer above.

If you are already getting prepared for Cantha, then you can check out these three specializations next week, or head over to the official Guild Wars 2 YouTube channel to get a little glimpse of Shing Jea Island before the next beta begins.

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