Hades 2 Received Patch 4 for Early Access

Hades 2 Received Patch 4 for Early Access

Developer Supergiant Games is back with a new patch for Hades 2, currently available in Steam Early Access. Patch 4 aims to alleviate some of the reported issues before the arrival of the first major update later this year. Note that there are certain spoilers in the text of the patch notes, relating to character and location names. Proceed at your own risk!

In Hades 2, the sequel to the original god-like rogue-like dungeon crawler, players take on the role of the immortal Princess of the Underworld, Melinoe. Explore a bigger, deeper mythic world, vanquishing the forces of the Titan of Time with the full might of Olympus behind you, in a sweeping story that continually unfolds through your every setback and accomplishment. Meet a cast of dozens of fully-voiced, larger-than-life characters, including plenty of new faces and some old friends. Grow closer to them through a variety of new interactions, and experience countless unique story events based on how your journey unfolds.

Hades 2 – Early Access Patch 4 Includes:

Boons & Blessings

  • Lightning Lance (Zeus): improved targeting while using gamepad controls
  • Spirit Surge (Zeus): reworked; now whenever you use magick, a surrounding foe is struck by lightning
  • Sworn Strike (Hera): slightly reduced bonus from Poms of Power
  • Engagement Ring (Hera): reworked; inflicts Hitch on foes, and any slain in the circle deal area damage
  • Family Trade (Hera): cut from game; replaced with…
  • Rousing Reception (Hera): new! Your Casts damage foes as they enter the Encounter, wherever they appear (this effect was previously innate to Engagement Ring)
  • Golden Rule (Hera X Poseidon): now applies a multiplicative global damage bonus, rather than a flat bonus only to Attacks and Specials
  • Beach Ball (Poseidon x Apollo): added greater damage and area scaling over a brief charge-up duration
  • Mint Condition (Hephaestus): invulnerability effect now resets between Encounters in same Location

Daedalus Hammer Upgrades

  • Mirrored Thrasher (Staff): removed Life penalty; now requires Magick instead
  • Skulking Slice (Blades): reduced bonus damage striking foes from behind
  • Escalating Ambush (Blades): cut from game; replaced with…
  • Wicked Onslaught (Blades): new! Adds power to Attacks
  • Melting Shredder (Axe): increased damage to Armor
  • Inverted Spark (Flames): now also causes projectiles to linger for longer
  • Whirling Coil (Flames): projectiles no longer spin in place; renamed from Origin Coil
  • Crushing Comet (Flames): cut from game; replaced with…
  • Triple Comet (Flames): new! Your Special fires more projectiles
  • Destructive Array (Skull): now deals a percentage of your Attack damage whenever your Shells drop
  • Rocket Bombard (Skull): increased damage

Check out the official Steam page for the full list of changes in Patch 4.

Written by
A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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