Hearthstone AMA & New Teaser “The King”

Hearthstone AMA The King

The developers from Blizzard had a round of Hearthstone AMA on Reddit dedicated the Year of the Dragon. There were a lot of answers given about various aspects of them, most of them incredibly detailed and informative.

Take a look at the solo adventure perspective:

To speak to this from a single player perspective, we learned a ton from the past year of solo adventures.

Monster Hunt gave us some great insight into how we can better tell stories in the Dungeon Run format, and the value of bringing in new unique Heroes. It also taught us a lot about Hero Powers, and just how much a new, strong Hero Power can dictate the pacing and style of the game.

The Puzzle Lab was a departure from standard gameplay, but it paved the way for doing things in Hearthstone that aren’t traditional, while still feeling like Hearthstone. You’ll see some of this idea in the upcoming solo adventure!

Rhastakhan’s Rumble taught us about how big we can go with combat, and the value of player choice and tracking. I’m super glad we were able to react so quickly to community feedback on this.

In addition to the AMA, the team has also dropped a teaser for the upcoming expansion called The King. You can find it and the previous teaser “The Fortune Teller” below!

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