Hearthstone Announced New Expansion – Whizbang’s Workshop

Show them gnome mercy! Developer Blizzard Entertainment is starting the Year of Pegasus with a bang, revealing new expansion for Hearthstone. The genius inventor and toymaker, Whizbang, has opened the doors to his magical workshop—and all of Azeroth’s invited!  This place is teeming with plushies, Miniatures, and more. With nonstop nostalgia and options galore, you’re bound to find a new favorite toy—or even build one yourself. Welcome to a world of whimsy and wonder, welcome to Whizbang’s Workshop.

Whizbang’s Workshop launches worldwide on March 19, bringing along 145 new card, new Keyword: Miniaturize, Throwback Cards and Iconic Characters, and more. Players even get to customize their own card with Zilliax Deluxe 3000.

The devs also kicked off a login event that will net you the Legendary minion, Colifero the Artist, one of a few talented Artist cards in Whizbang’s Workshop, all of whom have a special effect based on the card they draw.

Blizzard opened the pre-purchase for the game, including the Bundle & the Mega Bundle versions. Find out more by visiting the official site.

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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