Hearthstone – Rumble Run has Begun!

The latest Hearthstone expansion Rastakhan’s Rumble launched on December 4th. Now the players have access to its free single-player experience Rumble  Run.

It’s time to smash down the gates and take the Gurubashi Arena by storm! In Hearthstone’s newest single-player experience, you’ll take on the role of Rikkar, a fiery young troll who’s eager to fight for the glory of his Loa in Rumble Run!

Rumble Run is a similar experience to Kobolds and Catacombs’ Dungeon Run or The Witchwood’s Monster Hunt. Players will encounter a series of challenges presented by the eight Champions leading the enemy teams. Their decks become tougher and they get wilier as you ascend the ranks too. Make sure to give it 110%, because if you lose a challenge, Rikkar has to start an entirely new run.

Check out the official blog post to learn more about Rumble Run!

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