Hellbound Demo Is An FPS Fix For Patient Doom Fans

Blazing a trail of destruction onto PC, Hellbound has dropped a demo for that should keep anybody waiting on Doom Eternal engaged for a little longer.

While fans of the original demon-slaying FPS might have to wait a little longer for the latest installment in the franchise, Saibot Studios and Nimble Giant have unleashed hell on Steam. The demo for Hellbound gives players considering a holiday in hell a glimpse of the 90s inspired action FPS that puts players amidst a torrent of gore. Created as a very deliberate homage to titles such as Doom, Quake, and Duke Nukem 3D, Hellbound is focused on speed and overwhelming action as players blast their way through the challenges ahead.

As Hellgore, the ultimate demon smashing badass, makes their way through the Unholy Lands of Hell a range of gruesome weapons fall into players’ hands including shotguns, machine guns, what appears to be a grenade launcher, and a particularly unhealthy looking mace. While this adventure is definitely inspired by the hyper-masculine image and over-egged gore of early video game FPS the devs seem to be fully aware of this and the trailer above revels in the same tropes it aspires to. Coupling the nostalgia with an equally metal soundtrack and some modern high definition graphics makes this a more than adequate distraction from the wait for Doom Eternal.

You might have to make the demo for Hellbound last a while, however, Doom Eternal isn’t due to hit shelves until 20 March 2020 after giving us a glimpse of the Doomslayer’s next adventure at E3 and following conventions this year. PC players who want to try out Hellbound can find the free demo over on the official Hellbound Steam Store page right now. As for console players, many of you might want to try the very first three Dooms after their recent re-release on Xbox, Playstation 4 and Switch earlier this year.

For more information on Hellbound check out the official website now. Hellbound hits Steam proper in summer 2020.


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