Heroes of Might & Magic: Olden Era Shared More Details About the Game

Heroes of Might & Magic Olden Era Shared More Details About the Game

The developers of the upcoming turn-based strategy Heroes of Might & Magic: Olden Era have shared FAQ: Part 2, providing even more details about the game.

The team aims to have the first 8 missions of the campaign available in Early Access, but this is still subject to change. There will be campaign-only heroes that will not be available for Skirmish games. Additionally, some of the familiar long-lived (or undead) characters from HoMM3 might be alive during the OE timeline, so players will get to see some familiar or semi-familiar faces.

Different Towns will have different maximum Mage Guild Level. Also, the Guilds of different Towns will have different specializations and a different chance to receive various spells. Each faction will also start with their faction skill (Necromancy for Necropolis, as an example).

Ranged units have an unlimited amount of shots in OE. The range penalty is not constant. It gradually increases based on the distance to the target.

The secret faction will be playable in Early Access on Day 1.

“The main AI feature is hero separation into different roles: the main hero fights in challenging battles against other opponents, and supporting heroes are gatherers and couriers who deliver troops and artifacts to the main hero. AI can follow different strategies and change its behavior based on the situation. For example, after collecting a certain percentage of value in a current area, it will change to the “expand and capture next area” strategy.”

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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