Heroes of the Storm – May 12 Patch Notes & Possible Overwatch Event

Heroes of the Storm

The latest Heroes of the Storm patch is now available on the Public Test Realm (PTR) and will remain available for playtesting until May 17. The update will introduce reworks to five fan-favorite Heroes: Anduin, Johanna, Stitches, Raynor and Valla.

  • Anduin got his talents reshuffled: the wealth of his effective talents were stuck in the later levels. The developers decided to shake that up.
  • Johanna got some of her damage cut and also received new talents.
  • Raynor’s damage, CD and mana costs were reduced. His talents got new functionality.
  • Stitches received a new baseline ability called Shambling Horror that should help him saunter in and out of combat a bit more consistently.
  • Valla got some of her damage decreased and received new functionality for some of her talents.

The patch also introduces bug fixes:

  • E.T.C.
    • Crowd Surfer no longer causes spells queued after Powerslide to be cast without an animation.
  • Rexxar
    • Casting Misha, Charge! and Misha Focus! at the same time will no longer occasionally cancel the ability.
  • Uther
    • Tyr’s Deliverance no longer increases Uther’s Holy Light self Healing.

In other Heroes of the Storm news, the developers have taken to Reddit to introduce a new feature coming to the game: Loan Talents.

“The idea behind these was to give fairly substantial up-front power spikes that can either help carry you to victory or potentially lose potency over time – think of them as sort of ‘reverse-quests’. Play smart and they can be extremely powerful over the course of the game, but know that by choosing it, you also put a pretty substantial target over your head”

Additionally, the community at Reddit believes that the game will receive the Overwatch event soon(tm) that will put an end to the Christmas terror in Blizzard’s MOBA.

During Blizzconline, Blizzard’s gallery contained an interesting piece of art titled “Overwatch Cosplay Pack”. Could the two be related? Stay tuned to find out once the company shares its plans!

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