Horde/Alliance War Comes To HotS

Secrets of the Storm features familiar characters from Azeroth ready to go at it again

Blizzard Entertainment continues to explore the lore of its MOBA game Heroes of the Storm and the universe of Nexus. After the first comic, Rise of the Raven Lord, the company has shared the second issue, Secrets of the Storm, featuring many familiar characters as well as some fresh faces for HotS.

On his search for the knowledge of the Dragon Shrines, Deckard Cain meets a mysterious person, Orphea, chased by the followers of the Raven Lord. Together the heroes venture to Raena, the Lady of Thorns, to warn her of the possible danger to the realm as the Raven Lord has summoned the Dark Nexus and wants to claim a newly formed realm.

The Lady of Thorns calls for allies – among others, we see Muradin, Yrel, Valeera, Varian, Lunara, Auriel, Johanna, Tyrande, Malfurion, Uther, Chromie and Jaina – to march into battle.

The last frame, however, shows another set of familiar faces: Venndar Stormpike and Drek’thar of the Frostwolves, the commanders of the Alterac Valley for their respective factions, which could mean that the newly formed realm could be no other than Azeroth itself. In the background, we can glimpse the Raven Lord and the very familiar Horde buildings and banners.

Ironically, the upcoming expansion to World of Warcraft, Battle for Azeroth, features the looming faction conflict. The first part of the fighting seems to be named The War of Thorns, which harkens back to the Lady of Thorns from the comic. Could HotS be trying to link both universes together?

Alterac Pass map, as well as Faction-themed skins for the heroes, are already available in the game. Declare your allegiance and jump right in!

Additionally, couple weeks back a Reddit user found files that might refer to a potential new hero. It is none other than Orphea who makes the appearance in the comics. It is possible that soon we will see original characters for Heroes of the Storm, as the lore continues being developed.

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