Heroes of the Storm – New Enforcer Skins & More

The developers of MOBA Heroes of the Storm have shared a new video dedicated to a pack of new Enforcer skins on its way to the game as well as a new STORM Strider mount.

The Specialized Tactical Operations and Rescue Missions (STORM) unit is gearing up to dispense justice and rid the Nexus of criminal scum! Catch a preview of upcoming Enforcer skins for Johanna, Greymane, and Lt. Morales, as well as the new STORM Strider mount.

Additionally, Medivh and Sonya are going to receive significant gameplay updates and balance adjustments. To celebrate such an occasion, the team is introducing a rare skin for each hero and a limited-time Remastered Bundle that will be available until March 19.  You can find out more on the official site.

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