The developers from Blizzard have taken to the official Heroes of the Storm site to announce a new Seasonal Event coming into the game. If you felt that there are not enough toys for Christmas, HotS has you!
While the event is active, players will be able to pick up and complete special quests to receive the unique limited time rewards such as Cuddlebear Stitches, Dehakasaurus Rex, Cosmic Force Valeera, new mounts and The Kid announcer!
Toys, toys, toys! Posable, plush, plastic, and playful pals are storming the Nexus in our next major patch. Despite our busy schedule of stuffing the Holiday Loot Chests with tons of new and old holiday-themed items for you to unbox, we’ll also be introducing you to major gameplay updates for Stitches and Sylvanas. In addition, we’re adding new toy-themed skins, mounts, portraits, and sprays for some of your favorite Heroes and unlocking exclusive loot for you to unlock through our epic Toys event quest. Keep an eye on the Collection screen to check Cuddlebear Stitches, Dehakasaurus Rex, Cosmic Force Valeera, and much more off your wish list. Happy holidays and we’ll see you in the Nexus!