Shortly after revealing the latest Hero to join the Nexus, Heroes of the Storm Twitter has shared an announcement for the upcoming Heroes of the Storm event. Called Viper Ascendant, it will introduce a number of new skins for Stukov, Genji and Ana as well as bring in a new mount and possibly other cosmetics.
The community on Reddit is busy building theories and arguing who could possibly be the character throwing a punch at the end of the video and what does the little girl on the picture have to do with them? Popular choices are Tosh (StarCraft 2) and Soldier 76 (Overwatch).
Stay tuned to learn more as Blizzard shares the details!
The terrorist organization Viper wasn’t the only criminal paramilitary outfit that had desired to conquer the world, but they were the first to accomplish their sinister goals.
— Heroes of the Storm (@BlizzHeroes) July 29, 2018