How Does VPN Help Protect Your Privacy?


People are concerned about their privacy today more than ever. All these scary stories about cybercrimes, malware, and other online threats are making people turn to the enhanced security means. Where do we start? Well, most of us would turn on a private mode on our browser and call it a day. But is it enough? And if not, can VPNs help?

What do VPNs do?

Simply put, VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) create a tunnel between your computer and a server that can be anywhere in the world and make it look like you’re at the server’s location. It masks your IP address, and it becomes extremely difficult to trace your online activity back to you. Basically, it scrambles data from your requests and encrypts it so that the data becomes unreadable. Only you and the server can decrypt the traffic. There are multiple scenarios in which this tunnel can come in handy. You can find one on vpnbusters and explore how it works.

For example, when you use a random Wi-FI at a public place, next-door coffee shop, or even your friends’ house. If you have a decent VPN service running, no one starting from the Internet Service provider to potential hackers sitting nearby can’t jeopardize your safety or steal your data.

Beware, though, that a VPN won’t protect you from malware that you can willingly download from a website. Another thing to remember is that you still need to be careful when entering your info into websites. If you enter your credit card information into an unencrypted site, there is nothing VPN can do since it was your choice. VPNs protect you from being hacked, they don’t protect you from your own actions. That’s antivirus’s prerogative.

VPNs hide several things:

  • your location for streaming;
  • your IP address;
  • your browsing history (even from your ISP);
  • your online activity.

VPNs can also help to protect their users from identity theft. I know, for the vast majority, ‘identity theft’ still sounds like something from a sci-fi movie. Yet, it is the reality. People would use your information to commit all kinds of crimes, from tax refunds, opening new accounts, to buying and renting property. And it all happens while you shop for dog’s food or order take-out! Yes, even those basic mundane activities can be dangerous if your phone’s wi-fi is enabled at all times. With VPN you can safely visit any type of sites including online casinos such as Sbobet and Ufabet.

The VPN’s role here is to protect you from hackers who use the same network and ensure that the data you share across your devices, like credentials, keychains, etc., is safe. However, it doesn’t mean that you’d be 100% secure from identity theft. Certain things are out of control of VPNs. For instance, if the organization you have an account at will have a data breach.

Many people find VPNs useful when it comes to Internet freedoms. If you have a running VPN, your ISPs can not target you with location-specific data, including ads, and nobody can restrict what kind of articles or websites you have access to. Neither can they modify the data depending on your location.

About the author

James HwangJames Hwang is the editor at Gambling Giant, a website fully dedicated to the gambling industry. He spent 5 years in South Korea studying arts and then switched to a digital nomad lifestyle to travel the world. He adores pizza and Netflix, especially when those two things combined on a Friday night.

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