How Love for Games Connects LGBT Couples

Indie Video Games

Video games are more than a form of entertainment. When you meet a fellow gamer, it’s a sign that they enjoy solitude, can engage in teamwork, and can set aside the stress of life and just enjoy themselves. Yet, gaming means even more to LGBT people. Their love of video games can help connect them with other people, giving them something in common and offering opportunities to spend time together in a safer space.

Meeting a Fellow Gamer

If you’re ever seen Goodfellas, then you know that calling another person a gamer carries a connotation that they’re more than a casual player; they’re dedicated and discerning in their choices. So, if you’re trying to meet a date that likes video games, especially a lesbian partner, you have many considerations to make. Your best bet would be to use a website with a lesbian chat, get involved with the community, and steer the conversation towards video games. You’re bound to find someone that loves gaming as much as you on these sites, and then it’s just a matter of connecting with that person and deciding when you want to have a date. Your love of video games will buoy this initial connection!

How Love for Games Impacts Lesbian Relationships

A love of video games can have a profound impact on lesbian relationships. Remember that the more things you have in common in a relationship, the better chance it will thrive. Even though you don’t have to share an affinity for all your partner’s hobbies, it helps if you do. That way, you have a built-in way to spend time together with a low entry cost; you already know you’ll enjoy gaming with your match because you love gaming. Moreover, you have to consider that love of video games ensures you speak “the same language” as each other. Other ways that love of video games can help impact lesbian relationships in particular include:

  • Providing a way to connect early on without meeting face-to-face. Many lesbians are wary of their matches and the social cost of being “out.”
  • Conversation topics: think about how lesbian portrayals in video games, good and bad, impacted your perception of women.
  • Mindless enjoyment: sometimes, you don’t want to have a deep conversation. You just want to spend time with your date, and video games can help you in that way. You can sit in the same room playing games and enjoying each other’s company.

Gaming Equipment

These are a few of the more important ways that gaming can impact fledgling lesbian relationships.

Top 3 PSP Games for a First Date

Breaking out the PSP for a first date is a wise move because the games are dynamic, fun, and worth experiencing. Take a look at the following three games for a first date.

  1. The Legend of Heroes: Trail of Steel IV

The Legend of Heroes: Trail of Steel IV is great for a first date because it features a diverse cast, including LGBT people, a great combat system, and an anime style that captivates people.

  1. Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep

The Kingdom Hearts series has always been about finding love and acceptance with people that matter the most to you. This entry is no different, so it’s something comfortable and easy to play with a lesbian romantic partner.

  1. Persona 3

Persona 3 is downright fun and addictive. This game is great for lesbians because many characters are LGBT, providing positive representation to players. This RPG is a little dated, but the story carries it and makes it worthwhile these days.

These are three of many games that are perfect for lesbians looking to share a fun time with a date.

Developing relationships can receive support by finding things in common with each other. In the case of video games, they are a hobby that can serve many purposes for LGBT members. Lesbians don’t get a lot of positive representation in video games, but the ones that do show them do a great job. Moreover, lesbians on a date can use video games to talk about themselves, their interests, and more!

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