HSR – Feixiao Crashes the Party in the Latest Trailer

Work hard, rest hard! Now that the meeting between the Generals is over, Feixiao and Jing Yuan run into each other under very different circumstances that might just lead to a troubling period for the Luofu alcohol industry.

Feixiao has many impressive titles, including the Vanquishing General, but she herself prefers something simpler. The Lacking General, lacking in worries, regrets, and rivals. Apparently, lacking when it comes to holding her liquor as well!

Note that due to recording arrangements, this videos’ audio is Japanese. Don’t forget to turn on the subtitles should you need them.

“From this day forward, all stores on the Luofu will temporarily cease the sale of alcoholic beverages.”
“What happened?”
“Shh. The general’s orders: The wolves are coming.”

Feixiao is the Xianzhou Yaoqing’s Merlin’s Claw and one of the Seven Arbiter-Generals. Her personality is unrestrained and frank, dashing and straightforward. She is also skilled in all forms of martial arts.

However, despite her easy smile and eager attitude, Feixiao’s life has not been easy. She bears the burden of the Moon Rage, an affliction that threatens to turn her into a monster. If she were to hunt down all the abominations in her limited lifetime — Then the only enemy Feixiao has would be herself.

Still, she’s an important figure for the people of Xianzhou at large and Foxians in particular. So much so that there’s merch of this Foxhero all around!

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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