Hyper Scape Details PC Crossplay

Hyper Scape - Gameplay Overview Trailer

The developers from Ubisoft have taken to the official site of Battle Royale Hyper Scape to detail the PC crossplay. The crossplay is turned on by default on PC, meaning PC players will be placed in the same global matchmaking pool as players on PlayStation and Xbox. As is the case on console, players will be able to deactivate crossplay on PC within the game menus. If they do so, they might experience long matchmaking times, as they will be placed in a PC only matchmaking pool with the other players that have opted out of PC crossplay.

If one PC player in the squad has crossplay deactivated, the squad will be placed in a PC only queue with other PC players who have opted-out from crossplay.

Console players will not be forced into matchmaking with PC players, they can deactivate the option in the in-game menu. If they do so, they will be matched with other players on their platform who also decided to opt out of crossplay, which might lead to longer matchmaking times.

The team is conscious of the potential balance issues between keyboard/mouse and controller players that might occur when matching players together on different control schemes. The developers will closely monitor the data and the community feedback on PC crossplay and how it impacts the experience and will be ready to make changes if need be.

Additionally, the devs revealed Takeshi’s TDM Party in-game event taking place between January 28 and February 9. Are you fast enough? Team up, eliminate the competition with speed and style, and claim some new loot.

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