Improve Your Android Gaming Experience

Congratulations, you got your Android device. And now you want to use it for what it’s really for – gaming! Sure, ringing someone, messaging, video calls, and checking social media play an important part in any Android use, but if you’re into gaming, then you want to get the most out of your smartphone. The good news for you is that we’ve found measures you can take to truly optimize your gaming experience.

Dedicate time and your cell resource

One of the best things about playing games like Gordon Ramsay’s Chef Blast on your Android is that you can do it wherever you are. However, the downside of this is that it means you’re going to put further strain on your cell phone. If you want to fully optimize it, then turn off those background services so you don’t get an email or social media notifications and let the processor concentrate on the gaming.

Also, by setting aside some time to play, you’ll actually be able to enjoy your gaming more. A quick game on the daily commute is fun, or playing in the restroom (some people do!), but it will only see you have bursts of gameplay.  If you make sure your device is charged, background apps are off, and you’ve got somewhere cozy to play, then you can get lost in the experience and enjoy it much more.

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Give yourself a boost

No, we’re not saying you need to guzzle down a cup of coffee or get a load of sugar into you. We’re talking about boost apps that you can find on the Play Store. These help by automatically turning off redundant apps and help you to speed up your device. And speed is essential when it comes to gaming.

Keep an eye on your battery

Sounds obvious, but it’s one that so many people forget. You don’t want to sit on the couch, leaning over next to the socket because you have to charge your device. If you’re an avid gamer and plan on playing frequently, make sure the battery charge matches your usage.

Do all of that with a VPN

You don’t necessarily have to go down the route of finding various boost apps to try out or turning off all your notifications, especially if you can’t go a day without a Facebook notification. A VPN then answers all your prayers as it ticks all the boxes in helping you improve your Android gaming experience.

Speed is the name of the game – a VPN lets you select a different server. Use one from your Android, and you’ll be able to search thousands of different servers in different locations, all offering high speeds. And let’s face it, you want fast speeds when playing on your Android, especially as the majority of games aren’t downloadable and require a strong internet connection. Use the VPN to try out different servers and find the right speeds you need.

More games to choose from (see our Android game reviews for ideas) – with the VPN in play, you’ll be able to open up a whole new way of playing on your Android. No longer will you be restricted by your location. Do you want to play a game that requires you to be in the UK? Then just switch your server and try again. Maybe you want to try multiple games, but you’ve been tied to your IP address? Try out different ones on the VPN and see what happens. Better yet, you can even try out different locations and see what the prices are like on Google Play – it’s definitely worth it as you’ll often find lower prices when you use the VPN.

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Keep yourself secure – you might not think it, but playing Monster Legends online, whether it’s on a console or an Android smartphone, can open you up to being a victim of cybercrime. No doubt your Android has lots of information about you on it – your banking details, personal information like your address or medical info, and what about all your photos and videos? The last thing you want is for this to get into anyone else’s hands. However, the security of an Android VPN can be your best friend and defender in this respect. Built-in security, the ability to hide your IP address, and throw online hackers off the scent all help in keeping you safe when you play.

These tips should help you get the best out of your Android gaming experience. Hopefully, you won’t suffer from slow speeds or lack of choice ever again!

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