It Seems The Horizon Zero Dawn MMORPG is Dead

Horizon Zero Dawn MMORPG - aloy stands on a ridge

Reports have surfaced that NCSoft has halted work on the unannounced Horizon Zero Dawn MMORPG.

Reports from Korean publication MTN have hit the internet that seem to confirm that Sony and NCSoft’s upcoming Horizon Zero Dawn Massive online adventure has been cancelled. Initially picked up by the Reset Era forum, the details appear in an interview with MTN confirming that development suspension notices were sent to members of the undisclosed new game development labs led by NCSoft’s CBO Lee Seong-gu. These include codenames ‘Pantera’, ‘H’, and ‘J’. In short this means that the massively hyped Horizon Zero Dawn MMO isn’t expected to see a full launch.

The authenticity of the news has been verified thanks to a rework of the NCSoft project chart and the current employment status of developers working on the Project Skyline team. Project Skyline is generally known under the guise of Project H and widely expected to be an online return to Aloy’s world. Unfortunately, the this seems to have fallen to the feasibility axe alongside a Lineage W spin off, a CCG styled game, and more.

The Horizon Zero Dawn MMORPG was first sniffed out by fans back in 2024, thanks to job postings. Since then, the series launched the Lego Horizon Adventures entry in Aloy’s adventure. It’s not entirely surprising that we won’t get to head back and see the hunting grounds in Project Skyline. MMOs are wildly expensive projects and the number of new titles that never make it to release. While Amazon’s pockets managed to get Throne & Liberty over the line, NCSoft currently leans heavily on the existing Lineage franchise, guild Wars 2, and a relaunch of Blade & Soul for revenue.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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