Jon North & His Explosive Journey Detailed in New Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 Trailer

Jon North is one hard-ass dude, particularly if you judge him based on this new trailer. Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 isn’t for the faint of heart. Stabbings, explosions and long distance shots to the heart all play a part in Jon’s life.

Jon North – American sniper

Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 is Jon’s story. Dropped behind enemy lines, Jon is there to do what he does best: Kill the enemy.

The game features huge open worlds, a day-night cycle that has a huge impact on decisions and actions. There are totally customizable weapons and accessories as well as vehicles and even a DRONE!

Spot enemy patrols lurking through the countryside before they surprise you. Scout enemy outposts from a safe distance to prepare best tactic for the perfect strike. Expand your options by crafting mods that improve the drone’s functionality. Detect hazards and structural weaknesses, hack computers and cameras from a safe distance and more! Utilize the friendly eye in the sky the way you want it!

Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 will be out and about on April 25th for PlayStation 4, XBox One and Windows PC.

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