Last Oasis Introduces Walker Building System Rework

Last Oasis Introduces Walker Building System Rework

Last Oasis, a nomadic Survival MMO from Donkey Crew, is in for a large update that will change how Walker building system works. One of the major changes coming to S5 is the removal of free placement of structures on Walkers, and introduction of the Walker Hardpoints system.

Melee combat is a massive feature of the game, but it didn’t go very well hand-in-hand with the free placement of structure on Walkers: the boarding of enemy Walkers always had something that made it awkward and less fun, and the change aims to fix that. Hardpoints are essentially spots that allow structures to be built on Walker decks. They come in different sizes or categories, which accept different buildables. Hardpoints are pre-designed for each Walker to match their class, deck space and layout.

There are currently 5 hardpoints categories:

  • Small – small chests, water containers, ammo boxes, etc.
  • Medium – medium chests, ballistae, scattershot, fiberworking station, etc.
  • Large – larger crafting stations such as furnaces, woodworking stations, larger weapons like the catapult, battle fan etc.
  • Edge – as the name suggests, these are placed on the edge of Walker decks, and they are designed for Gun Pods, Tool Pods, Climbers, and some of our small remote weapons.
  • Decorative – these are meant to allow cosmetic/decorative structures without sacrificing proper, functional Hardpoints on the main Walker deck for aesthetic purposes.

“Regardless of the rig the Walker is equipped with, each hardpoint allows the placement of only one object, regardless of the size. All hardpoints are backwards-compatible, though, so this means a small structure can be built in Medium and Large hardpoints.”

Follow the link above to learn more and check out the developer follow-up blog post to stay up to date on the discussion.

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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