Latest Fallout 76 Update Adds Community Fun

The latest update has been deployed to Bethesda’s Fallout 76. Players will find a brand new community challenge to complete as well as the annual Meat Week Seasonal Event alongside a bevy of improvements, quality of life enhancements, bug fixes, and feature updates.

Fortifying ATLAS is a brand new two-part community event that challenges the game‘s entire player base to build a protective base for the Brotherhood of Steel. In order to do so, players will need to collect and donate supplies to ensure that the structures are constructed in time. If the community is successful, a number of new events and cosmetic rewards will be unlocked. Part one, Project Alpha has already started. Part 2, Project Bravo, will begin on August 27th. Each of the two parts has its own requirements for successful completion. Read more about it here.

A Colossal Problem is a new instanced multiplayer Public Event. Taking part will help players learn about the Monogah Mine and will offer at least one side quest for completion. During the event, participants will enter the instance and have a short time to prepare. It’s worth noting that the event is for players of level 50+. Players will need to slay enemy creatures and “stay alert for other hazards like falling debris and a massive drill”. The goal is to take down the Wendigo Colossus within a specified amount of time. If successful, players will earn “loot, XP, Caps, Treasury Notes, and a chance at new themed items for C.A.M.P.”.

Meat Week will run from August 18th to August 24th and will offer players opportunities to earn Legendary Scrip, take home some great loot, and join the community for a special Meat Cook with…um…questionable eats available.

Check out the full update notes by visiting the Fallout 76 official site.

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