Latest Zelda Breath of the Wild Patch Fixes Framerate Issues

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Courtesy of IGN, it seems Patch 1.1.1 has been deployed for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Its lone “patch note”? “Adjustments have been made for a more pleasant gaming experience.” Thanks for being so precise, Nintendo! But as it turns out, the 167MB patch actually has fixed a lot of the performance issues players have been seeing. From the IGN Story, the latest Zelda Breath of the Wild Patch Fixes Framerate Issues:

Latest Zelda Breath of the Wild Patch Fixes Framerate Issues

The newly-released 1.1.1 patch for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild seemingly removes or reduces the severity of many of the game’s dips in framerate, on Wii U and Switch (in both handheld and docked mode).

Nintendo’s notes for the 167MB patch simply read: “Adjustments have been made to make for a more pleasant gaming experience.” However, players on Twitter (including our own Zelda reviewer), RedditNeoGAF, and YouTube have all reported improved performance since installing the update.

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