Riot Games has published a new trailer titled “Go Noobs” for the world famous MOBA League of Legends. The video is oriented at the new players, just trying out the game and a lot of times finding themselves overwhelmed and even outclassed. The team reminds that everyone was once a noob. Being new means having discoveries every moment, and every discovery is its own win.
You can also check out “The Harrowing” blog entry that Riot Games has posted yesterday.
Harrowing and all the horrors associated with it (Black Mist, Shadow Isles) are still lurking around, just not from a Halloween-only perspective. We wanted to separate seasonal events from canon lore, so we introduced Tales from the Rift. In other words, the Harrowing is a frightful phenomenon that occurs anytime of the year, directly affecting those within the world of Runeterra. Tales from the Rift is a seasonal event with new and Legacy skins returning from the vault during Halloween time, and every year the story is a little different. 2016 was our first venture with Tales from the Rift: The Teemoing. While The Teemoing was theatrically diabolical, a tale from the Rift can take on any form under the umbrella of horror. So, who knows what this year’s tale will be…