League of Legends: Best Champions for Beginners in 2021

League of Legends

Over 150 characters are featured in the League of Legends, all of which are playable. This to some beginners may be a bit overwhelming. For this reason, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with some of these characters to get an idea of what’s in store.

To stay engaged, make sure to check out mobachampion.com for updates, tips, and just everything on League of Legends. Let’s take a look at the best champions for beginners:

1. Malphite

Malphite is enormous but has an unusually low voice which should not fool you as he is anything but delicate. Built for impact, he has a passive that allows him to absorb damage and can increase his health by up to 10%.

His Thunderclap “W” sends anyone in his path waves that allows him to initiate more attacks, he can also steal movement speed while causing major damage with the Seismic Shard “Q” attack. With his Unstoppable Force “R” he can send a charge that hails opponents into the air and can reduce the enemy’s attack speed by sending a shockwave using Ground Slam “E”.

2. Garen

Garen is a great character, to begin with, he’s an easy aspect to understand as his skills are not hard to grasp. He can generate and heal himself away from a fight and is also quite powerful.

With his Courage “W” he facilitates damage reduction from attacking enemies and can negate stuns as well. He can slow down or remove opponents using Decisive Strike “Q” and with his Judgement “E” he frantically swings his sword towards a group of enemies or can chase after worn-out opponents. And finally the ultimate destructive move, theĀ  Demacian Justice “R” attack stunt that induces mad damage and is best for executions.

League of Legends 2

3. Darius

Darius is a solid player and is more fitted for aggressive attackers. He can use his Hemorrhage stunt to induce damage on enemies to the point of drawing blood as he stacks up he causes even more damage. Darius is said to be synonymous with Garen in some aspects.

Battle commands include stunts such as slowing opponents down with Crippling Strike “W”, Decimate “Q” where he can spin his axe which heals him if it knocks an enemy. He has a constantly increasing damage move with every Hemorrhage inflicted with the Noxian Guillotine “R” move. He can slow down enemies with Crippling Strike “W” and with Apprehend “E”, pull opponents toward him.

4. Lux

Lux is as deceitful as she is powerful, she’s also easy to understand and get familiar with. She has a fascinating passive, Illumination stunt that serves as a warm-up to opponents for her much deadlier follow-up attacks.

She protects allies using Prismatic Barrier “W”, can slow down opponents using Lucent Singularity “E” after which they explode, not forgetting the Light Binding “Q” move which freezes enemies in place for great damage infusion.

5. Amumu

Amumu is a destruction infusing character with a passive cursed touch that enables him to cause notable damage to his opponents. A mere standard attack from Amumu can cause severe harm making him one of the direst characters in the wild.

Aside from the Curse from command ”R” that allows him to toss and wrap opponents with bandages while at the same time stunning and damaging them, other stunts performed by Amumu include reduction of rival’s health using Despair “W”, pulling towards opponents using Bandage Toss “Q” and using Tantrum “E” for damage reduction from incoming attacks.

These are just a few of the characters ideal for beginners, be sure to check out more on LoL via the link above to engage in more gaming activities.

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