League of Legends – Looking Back on Sentinels of Light Event

League of Legends - Looking Back on Sentinels of Light Event

Riot Games, the developers of the popular MOBA League of Legends, have shared a new blog post on the official site of the game. In it, the team takes a look back at the Sentinels of Light event that pitted players against the Ruination and how the learnings from it will help future events.

Here’s the summary of the team’s takeaways:

  • Event metagames need to be accessible to regular players, not just super engagers.
  • Narrative and character tone need to match player expectations.
  • In-client visual novels have scope limitations the developers need to respect

Sentinels of Light was the culmination of League’s first multi-month narrative event, beginning with Ruination at Season Start. It was the biggest expression of core Runeterra lore in League in ages, tying together multiple new champion launches, skin releases and more.

“While there were a lot of things that could’ve been better, we do think there were things that went well. We’re still happy to have launched an event at the same tier of scale as Spirit Blossom, including Ultimate Spellbook, our first new event game mode in years, and our first coordinated champion release across four Riot games at once.

Though it’s a little cliche to say, the sheer amount of feedback we heard from you, and the depth and care reflected in much of that feedback, proved to us that there is an appetite for us to do more with League’s universe and champions. Lore events in League of Legends are not dead.


League of Legends is a team-based strategy game where two teams of five powerful champions face off to destroy the other’s base. Choose from over 140 champions to make epic plays, secure kills, and take down towers as you battle your way to victory.

Check out the official site for more info or to start playing for free.

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