League of Legends – Check Out 2025 Season 1 Act 1 Trailer & Mel Champion Spotlight

Riot Games, the developers of MOBA League of Legends, had been on hand to provide the first information about the Season 1 Act 1. Step fearlessly into the new season with Mel, a map makeover, Atakhan, and more.

Starting with “Welcome to Noxus,” in 2025, League of Legends will implement a new seasonal structure, introducing three seasons across the year, each lasting around eight patches (16 weeks) that center around a unique theme and connect to an overarching narrative. And if you need to get into the proper mood, the cinematic is waiting for you!

Mel Medarda, the Soul’s Reflection, is the newest League character that continues her journey from Arcane & Arcane Season 2. Starting off as a Councilor of Piltover (at least that we’ve seen), this daughter of Noxus is returning to her homeland to hunt down the Black Rose.

Mel Medarda is the presumed heir of the Medarda family, once one of the most powerful in Noxus. In appearance she is a graceful aristocrat, but beneath the surface lies a skilled politician who makes it her business to know everything about everyone she meets. With newly awakened magical abilities, she sailed home in search of answers—and though many still seek to temper the light within her, Mel’s soul remains forever defiant.

“To think these gifts were hidden within me… The lives I could’ve saved.”

Passive – Searing Brilliance. Whenever Mel uses an Ability she gains three bonus projectiles on her next Attack, up to nine maximum.

When Mel deals damage through an Ability or Attack she applies Overwhelm which stacks up damage to execute the enemy. If the enemy is hit by Mel with enough Overwhelm damage to kill them, the stacks are consumed executing them.

  • Q – Radiant Volley. Mel fires a barrage of projectiles that explode around a target location dealing damage repeatedly to enemies within the area
  • W – Rebuttal. Mel gains Move Speed, forms a barrier around herself that reflects enemy projectiles back at the attacker, and prevents taking damage.
  • E – Solar Snare. Mel fires a radiant orb, Rooting enemies in the center while dealing damage over time and Slowing in an area around it.
  • R – Golden Eclipse. Mel strikes all enemies marked with Overwhelm regardless of range, dealing additional damage for each stack of Overwhelm. Ranks of Golden Eclipse increase Overwhelm’s damage.

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A lover of all things RPG and TBS, Catherine is always looking for a new fantasy world to get lost in.

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