LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Team Explores Building the Galaxy

Warner Bros. Games, the LEGO Group, and Lucasfilm Games developers have released the latest in a series of videos exploring the world of the upcoming title, LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. The latest video developer diary is titled Building the Galaxy and explores the creation of the universe of one of the most iconic IPs ever created. The goal was to bring the galaxy to life with “living and breathing versions” of places familiar to fans from the Skywalker Saga films. Of course, it also means imbuing the game world with “classic LEGO humor at every turn”. The video goes on to explore the implementation of weather effects, sky colors, and the attention to detail that every minute in the game utilizes.

Players will have the freedom to explore hub worlds from familiar locations such as Naboo, Endor, Tatooine, and the Cloud City of Bespin, to unlock new vehicles and playable characters, including Mama the Hutt, Yaddle, and Babu Frik. Players may also find collecting Kyber Bricks on the varied planets as the main motivator for deviating from the game’s main path, which is used as currency to enhance characters ranging from upgrading Force abilities to increasing blaster firepower.

The Skywalker Saga launches on April 5, 2022 across multiple systems including Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, and PC. Preorders for the game are open with several editions featuring additional content.

Check out the LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga official site to learn more.

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