Let’s Build a Zoo Is Expanding With an Aquarium Odyssey DLC

Let’s Build a Zoo aquarium edition screenshot

Let’s Build a Zoo: Aquarium Odyssey is coming to PC and Console later this year, giving a whole new world of fishy friends to enjoy.

Following on from a recent Jurassic themed expansion, No Moe Robots just announced that their pixel powered zoo management sim is about to get a whole new set of options. Later this year, player who already have the bass game will be able to catch the title’s second DLC featuring water based animals, aquarium exhibits, and a new fin-tastic set of options for patrons.

While I might see this as the perfect plaice to net a few fish puns, the new DLC is more than that. Over 100+ new shops come crammed into the add on, with decorations, facilities, nd more on offer. Players will still be able to utilize gene splicing to meld together unusual additions to their zoo, please customers, and turn a profit. Now, they’ll be able to do it while wet.

Free Stuff

If you can’t wait for this deep seas DLC, then the team behind Let’s Build a Zoo has announced another set of new tenants. Players can hook themselves the Sloths and Spas update right now for free. All you’ll need to do is start up the gme and wait for those slow pokes to make it into game. Let’s Build a Zoo: Aquarium Odyssey will coming to Steam, Switch, Xbox Game Pass, PlayStation, later this year, giving you plenty of time to try out this adorable indie hit and create a Lebra or Alipotamus today. Find out more on the official website.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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