Lilith Games Reveal Farlight 84 HUNT Mode & Prepares For Beta

Lilith Games has revealed Farlight 84’s HUNT Mode as this eccentric new third-person shooter prepares to load up and blow open Closed Beta Testing next month.

Ahead of next year’s launch and Closed Beta Testing, on 15 June, Lilith Games has taken a breath and unveiled Farlight 84’s HUNT mode today. The core of this brand new post-apocalyptic shooter and chaotic dash to victory, HUNT mode throws survivors into a fight for life, amid a chaotic wasteland that features plenty of explosive weapons, deadly competitors, in-game vehicles, and did we mention the Jetpacks?

Farlight Fight

When it lands across iOS, Android, and PC platforms Farlight 84 is likely to look just as appealing as other Epic Games owned properties, but when we got a sneak peek at Farlgiht 84’s Hunt mode last week, Lilith showed off something very different to the build and bang of Fortnite. Throwing up to 48 players into an arena, Farlight 84’s HUNT mode asks players to choose from a roster of characters, loot weapons, and unleash incredible devastation on their opponents, but with a very unique twist.

Hunt Or Be Hunted

While the cartoon violence unleashed on your enemies can seem a little indiscriminate in other shooters, the newly unveiled HUNT Mode makes a particular target of select opponents. When payers pop into HUNT you will not find a simple loot and shoot. Instead, teams will need to target players tagged with a particular number. You and your comrades will proceed to track down and eliminate down your specified prey and loot their number. As you do, you’ll rack up enough in-game points to evacuate yourselves from the chaos that unfolds around you.

As things drag on, you’re just as liable to be carrying a target on your back and the competition for those kills is likely to be fierce. To make things more interesting, players with bigger numbers to loot are likely to become more attractive targets as a game unfolds and the seemingly straightforward nature of this team-based battler was upended when we spotted players using, and being used as, bait to entice enemies into the open.


walker from farlight 84



Movement in Farlight 84 looks set to be a blast too. Scrambling about on foot might be reliable but why use your own feet when you can commandeer 7 different vehicles, with three distinct types of motorized movement. All-terrain motor vehicles can be driven across almost any obstacle and while Hover cars give a futuristic slant to the apocalypse, Walkers are easily the most fun looking of these three. Crawling around like something out of an anime, these ridiculous multi-legged machines can hop, claw, and climb across entire buildings, blowing up the opposition with serious offensive capabilities and neve quite seeming like they are fully in control of their actions. If that wasn’t enough, each of the game’s characters can utilise their own easily identifiable jetpack to blast through the HUNT map, making vertical movement as crucial as your explosive arsenal to getting out of a hot motel heist.

If you’re more likely to run and gun than use a unicorn rainbow jetpack, then Farlight 84 should have plenty of action as HUNT unfolds over 1.2km of action. This roster of off the wall characters, explosive action, and team-based PvP will launch into Closed Beta testing on 15 June. It will be immediately available in six regions: France, Russia, Australia, Brazil, India and Indonesia. Additional regions may follow shortly thereafter. For more on Farlight 84, check out the teaser video above or head over to the official website to find out more about Farlight 84.

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