Little Learning Machines Will Train AI to Win at Farm Sims

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Mix cute farm sims with factorion automation when Little Learning Machines launches on 6th March.

Welcome our adorable AI overlords when Little Learning Machines launches next month. This Early Access game uses the power of artificial intelligence to build a digital homestead, without ever asking players to learn the dark art of neural node balancing.

Designed by Transitional Form, this inventive twist on the Harvest Moon formula is more than just a nice idea. Players picking a new life can help rebuild the land and cultivate crops by welcoming technology into your world. Real AI systems power a gang of companions in real-time to take whimsical challenges across a range of island settings. no coding is required either. Each robot begins as a blank canvas and learns based on players’ choices. An intuitive training system introduces the building blocks, and players can pick how what each helping hand loves or loathes doing. As they gain experience, the Ai learns and evolves, alongside the challenges they face. Players must build on early lessons to make each companion smarter. The more they learn, the better they get at tackling increasingly complex challenges. Each companion’s personality and skills grow in real-time based on the decisions they make and the player’s approach to training them. Given a little time, they will be able to play sports, garden, caring for pets, and much more.

Little Learning Machines really caught our eye, not because it’s delightfully cute, but it’s an inventively endearing way to introduce AI that doesn’t end up with Aloy having to save humanity again. You can check out more about Little Learning Machines over on the official Steam Store page and grab it before that Early Access pricing disappears.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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