Lost Ark August Update Is The Calm Before the Storm

Lost Ark August Update - indigo island

The Lost Ark August update is about to bring a new island, Bound Gold, and dungeon chaos.

Amazon’s ARPG just got a sizable new update today. The Calm Before the Storm is the latest in a long line of adventures for players taking on the world of Arkesia. It opens up an entirely new region to explore called Indigo island. Players will be able to try out a new Chaos Dungeon Purification System and collect Bound Gold.

Indigo island

Brining things back to a serene sea view, Indigo island is available for anybody over level 1600 in game. It includes a quest that can be completed to access the single-player Sea Cave dungeon, which hides plenty of unique encounters and three distinct paths to conquer. Players can begin the Indigo Island quest and dungeon after interacting with the “Someone’s Voice” quest near the island entrance. Players who complete the dungeon will be awarded “Luminous Coral Stone” as well as other notable rewards.

Bound Gold

Bound Gold is a brand new currency. Separate and distinct from normal gold, this will give players something to spend exclusively on progression systems. This is intended to give players an easier time when progressing their characters through the myriad of potential options, and we should see two ways to earn this cash. Look out for drops when opening the gold reward chests from Una’s Tokens or while cutting a swathe of destruction in Solo Mode Raids.

Chaos Dungeon Purification System

Chaos Dungeons get a new “Weekly Purification” Mission System during this update. Make sure you turn on the Aura of Resonance before dropping in and earn weekly Purification Points. Of course, points mean prizes, so you’ll be able to trade these for reward chests. A limited time event also drops, to celebrate the new dungeon system. From now, and right up until September 25, a special Chaos Dungeon Purification Event will accompany the launch of the Chaos Dungeon Purification System. This means more chests, tokens, and honing materials as a series of levels are reached.

You can check out the details for the update in the official blog post, but we’re honestly just excited to explore the utterly fabulous underwater regions of this island.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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