Amazon Game Studios has announced that Lost Ark has been updated with a large new content expansion called Wrath of the Covetous Legion. The patch brings a number of big game improvements to the MMORPG as well as a new single-player dungeon, the Vykas Legion Raid, the Kungelanium Guardian Raid, a new event island, new cosmetics, and much more.
Here’s what’s in store for LA players:
- Vykas Legion Raid – Vykas is an eight-player Legion raid, has 3 gates, and is complete with a swathe of new unique characteristics, abilities, and mechanics. Players will need to be Item Level 1430 to attempt Normal difficulty, and 1460 for Hard.
- Kungelanium Guardian Raid – In Thronespire, you’ll battle until you run out of time, working to defeat as many floors and enemies as possible before you meet your match and succumb to the Demon Legions. Completing the first 25 floors grant first-time clear rewards (you’ll earn all rewards for the floors you conquer). The other 25 floors are focused on prestige and completion times— proving you have the solo skills it takes to conquer anything the Demon Legions throw your way. Players will need to be Item Level 1325 to participate.
- Heartbeat Island – Spend some time relaxing on the beach or dancing with your friends on the new event island: Heartbeat Island. Once you’ve arrived on Heartbeat Island you can collect Festival Coins through various activities, which can be exchanged for a variety of rewards. There are daily quests where you receive Festival Coins just by relaxing in a designated area, and hourly quests for dancing and defeating Rekiel, the Dancing Queen.
Check out the Lost Ark official site for more details and for other game improvements available through this latest patch.