Micro Machines World Series shows off its Battle Mode and it is everything

Now where's that fast talking salesman...?

Micro Machines World Series shows off its Battle Mode and it is everything… Can we just have this now, please? There are up to 12 players in each fight, including Capture the Flag, Territory Control, and 6v6 TDM. There are 15 total arenas, ranging from a sci-fi laser lab to a Hungry Hungry Hippos game board. There are 12 brand new vehicles too – Hovercraft, a Spy Car, and yes… the GI Joe HISS Tank. Tons of weapons, customization with new skins, and more.. in short, it’s like Rocket League meets Micro Machines meets Twisted Metal. And we can’t wait to play it.

It’ll launch on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC come June 23rd.

From the press release:

Players will take on a whole new way of racing in Micro Machines World Series. Not only will players be able to burn rubber across the Kitchen table in familiar 4 player ‘sofa style’ local races but also enter into larger 12 player online races. With such a large number of players on one screen, gamers can look forward to seeing 12 vehicles jostling for position and hurtling toward each corner to every map.

In addition to the core racing modes are the Battle Modes which pit up to 12 players into the same arena for frantically competitive multiplayer games including Capture the Flag and Territory as well as 6v6 Team Deathmatch. All of these are set to the varied interactive backdrop of 15 battle arenas including The Laser Lab, Buzzsaw Battle and the evergreen fun of navigating the Hungry Hungry Hippos board without being eaten.

Players can personalize their Battles with 12 new vehicles including the Spy Car, Hovercraft, Monster Truck or G. I. Joe H.I.S.S Tank, each with their own strengths and weapons. Players will set off trying to crush, smash, and destroy opponents with numerous new weapons including the Dynamite Launcher, Tidal Wave, Cobra Turret and NERF Blasters. Every vehicle also has a level of customization with new skins, completely changing the original look. The inclusion of Emotes, Victory Poses, and Grave Stamps also add to the camaraderie and bragging rights at the end of a match.

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