Minecraft blows away the competition with 112M users each month

Minecraft is a unique phenomenon in the gaming space. Not only has it sold millions of copies since it exploded on the scene over a decade ago, it still sells like crazy. It just keeps growing. According to these latest numbers, over 20M additional monthly users have been added since October of 2018.  In a new interview with Studio Head Helen Chiang, over 112 million players take part each and every month. Unlike free-to-play games like Fortnite, each of those players, and millions of others just like them, have purchased a copy of the game.

Much of the game’s success has come from its wide availability on just about every possible platform. Players can take part via consoles, mobile devices, and PCs. There’s even an educational version of the game available so kids can keep playing even at school.

What makes a game like this so popular? To put it succinctly, it is easy to learn but hard to master. There are endless things to do, to discover, and to learn. But most importantly, the ability to build and create wherever one’s imagination takes them is the key to the game’s long-term success. “The tools are blessedly user-friendly, as are the systems for employing those tools.” according to Business Insider.

It’s difficult to meet people and not know at least a few who have played Minecraft. Maybe you’re even one of them!

Check out the full article at the link provided above. Otherwise, head to the Minecraft official site to keep up on the news.

About Minecraft


It’s a game about placing blocks and going on adventures! It’s set in infinitely-generated worlds of wide-open terrain – icy mountains, swampy bayous, vast pastures and much more – filled with secrets, wonders, and peril!

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