Minecraft Dungeons Gets Cloudy Climb As A Free Festive Update

Minecraft Dungeons, the Diablo-style block buster from Mojang is getting a free festive set of dungeons called Cloudy Climb.

While Minecraft players might be picking up the recent Halo Infitie update as a Christmas gift, anybody delving into the depths of Minecraft Dungeons can explore some new dungeons in the Cloudy Climb update. This brand new add-on is the very first festive update to come to the dungeon crawler from publisher Xbox Games Studio and shoves a ton of new content under the tree. While this isn’t the first seasonal  content to hit the title, with Halloween serving up a sppokfest, this time it’s filled with free loot for players. Anybody picking up a pickaxe, sword, or shield to slash their way through this update will find themselves aiming for the top as they enter a mysterious tower, filled to the brim with gear. Starting out at the bottom of this building, players will gradually gather gear, through a selection of weapons, armor, and artifacts. This should prove vital, as the tower contains 30 different floors, with each one harder than the previous one, and the goal is to make it as high up as you possibly can. These mid run drops aren’t going to be persistent. Instead, players will have a new system in place for getting some goods.


The higher the eventual altitude the bigger the finally points tally, and these Adventure Points power a new Player Rank system. The new reward track drops a bunch of in-game items and comes with a Minecraft-themed Adventure Pass, which unlocks a second reward track for £3.99 or local equivalent. Anybody looking for a bigger challenge can even pick from one of three difficulties, and hopefully more Adventure Points too. While the reward track is new, the rest the hack and slash looter shouldn’t throw anything too unusual at us. This dungeon crawling spin-off to the original sandbox builder launched in 2020, and since then players across PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Series S, and PC have picked a class, teamed up with friends, and fought their way through a vast variety of Minecraft dungeons for loot and glory.

If you jsut want to buy some shiny new stuff, then there are plenty of new themed cosmetic items such as skins, pets, flairs, emotes, and capes on offer throughout this time limited event. For a full rundown of the Cloudy Climb update jump into Minecraft Dungeons now or head over to the official website. Minecraft Dungeon’s Cloudy Climb event is on right now.

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