MLB the Show 22 Issues

MLB The Show 22

MLB the Show 22 certainly had a few glaring issues, with most of them being the freeze off’s and server issues. People were hoping that this was going to be the best game that MLB The Show has put out, but that certainly hasn’t been the case to start the season, unfortunately. Such as some sports news qualify it, MLB could be the worst out of the bunch right now.

Let’s take a look at a few reasons below why MLB The Show 22 might be the worst game in MLB’s history.

1. Freeze Offs And Server Issues

At this point, it’s pretty clear that Sony Diego Studios has not made a big enough investment to upgrade their servers. Whether that be because they decided to go to Xbox a year ago and even to Nintendo Switch this year, the servers are inexcusable. We have to continuously keep telling ourselves that  MLB The Show 22 could potentially be the worst one ever, despite having server issues as well last year.

Server issues and freeze-offs have been a major issue since 2021. They knew that it was a major issue last year and by not fixing it, they truly dropped the ball this year and it’s completely inexcusable.

It’s unfortunate that consumers of this game can’t even get on during certain hours of the day and play the game. It’s also unfortunate when you’re playing a game and you are winning by more than five runs and you get into a freeze off and your opponent won’t quit.

The biggest fix here for freeze offs would be having an automated system in the game that would allow the game to just manually shut off and neither player would get the win or loss.

Obviously, this would be highly frustrating for the people that are winning the game, but it’s better than getting a loss and having to deal with sitting in a freeze off for an extended period of time.

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2. Content Has Been Horrible

One thing that MLB The Show has always been known for is its high-level content. Unlike some of the other sports companies out there, especially EA Sports, MLB The Show usually does not require any of their users to have to spend money on the game outside of just purchasing it. In games like Madden and FIFA, users often have to spend a boatload of money just to have teams that can compete at the top level.

It seems like MLB The Show is starting to go that route as they decided to not give away as many free cards as they have in the past. The team affinity grind has usually been one of the best things that MLB The Show offers, but with them only allowing people to get about half of them this year, it looks like they’re certainly dropping the ball on content.

3. Hitting Engine Needs A Complete Revamp

The worst thing in the game at the moment is clearly the heating engine. Whether it be routine fly balls on good PCI swings that are right down the middle with good timing, or getting late hit to death and losing games that people have no business losing, the hitting engine is simply just bad.

Another thing that is playing a major factor in MLB The Show is that people are playing at a field that doesn’t have high elevation meaning the ball is not going anywhere. Players are not getting rewarded for their good swings and it truly feels like the game is strictly all RNG-based.


MLB The Show has made some promising changes over the past few years like adding pinpoint pitching to the game, but this year certainly feels like they took an easy way out and dropped the ball completely.

It’s unfortunate for all of their users that have to deal with this, but it doesn’t look like a patch is going to be coming anytime soon and it’s going to be the same old game that we had to deal with for the past few years.

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