The developers behind MMORPG The Elder Scrolls Online have taken to the official forums of the game to announce the return of Murkmire Celebration event that kicks off February 20th and will run until March 3rd. Delve into the perilous region of Murkmire and earn bonus rewards including style pages, crafting materials, collectibles, and more!
To participate in the Murkmire Celebration, you must either own the Murkmire DLC game pack or have access via ESO Plus membership. If you are planning your first expedition into the southern swamplands, both the Murkmire DLC game pack and the Murkmire Collector’s Edition will be on sale in the Crown Store during the event.
- As you explore the region of Murkmire during the event, battle its monsters, and uncover its many hidden treasures, you can earn a ton of unique rewards, including Murkmire Strongboxes.
- The Murkmire Celebration is also a new opportunity to earn Event Tickets. During the event, the zone’s monsters and boss monsters each have a chance to drop Event Tickets. You can earn up to three tickets per day this way—up to 39 tickets total. Don’t forget to loot everything!
Murkmire Celebration was originally introduced last year in October (for PC) or November (for consoles). You can find the official announcement trailer below: