NCSoft Release A Stunning Trailer For Project M

NCSoft, the massive Korean MMO publisher, has dropped a teaser trailer for a rather surprising new narrative title that looks absolutely stunning.

The publisher behind top tier MMORPGs like Lineage, Aion, and Guild Wars 2 might not be the first place we would expect to reveal a new narrative driven project, but it seems we were entirely wrong. The Koren publisher just dropped an impressive teaser for a new game described as an “interactive movie game”. Simply titled Project M and rendered using Unreal 5, this incredible looking upcoming title seems to be far more like a dance through Quantic Dreams gameplay format than the high fantasy we’ve come to expect from NCSoft.

Announce as part of a late night press release, Project M is expected to hit consoles when it does arrive and makes use of the newest tech to present a near photo realistic tale of revenge. In the teaser, a man can be seen taking revenge for the death of his lover. Along the way, story choices are paramount and the scale and scope of the narrative twists seem to be huge. More than just the intricate facial expressions, the video also details the recreation of people and places in a virtual setting, meaning we might expect a lot of authentic looking backdrops to this dark tale of payback.

While we don’t know a ton more about the project, I wouldn’t expect to see this arriving on the PlayStation 4 or Xbox One anytime. If you want official information on Project M and this unexpected twist from NCSoft then keep an eye on social feeds for further updates.

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For those of you who I’ve not met yet, my name is Ed. After an early indoctrination into PC gaming, years adrift on the unwashed internet, running a successful guild, and testing video games, I turned my hand to writing about them. Now, you will find me squawking across a multitude of sites and even getting to play games now and then

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