New Persona Games & a Port …Though Only for Japan

During a holiday live stream event, Atlus announced a pair of new games coming to the Persona series. Persona 5: Dancing Moon and Persona 3: Dancing Star Night were part of the fourth game in the series and are centered on the story of the Inaba Investigation Team.

The games will allow character interaction with each character in both games “assigned a dancer for their choreography and motion capture”. Atlus also says that dancers were chosen due to how well they match character personalities.

Lastly, Persona 4: Dancing All Night is going to be ported to PlayStation 4 for release in Japan in May.

None of the games above have a Western release date announced, however, leading to much sadness on this side of the pond. It is likely that they will be released, but no timeframe has been revealed.

New Persona Trailers

You can check out these trailers:

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