Nier Automata Is Getting a Novel

Nier Automata, the smash hit RPG| from Square Enix, is getting a new English language novel to add to the lore of the franchise and it will arrive in Fall 2020.

Published by the Square Enix Manga & Books imprints arm of the global publisher, the new range of manga, novel, and art book publications will include the brand new novel, Nier Automata: YoRHa Boys. This expansion into the history behind these enigmatic androids is being penned by Jun Eishima and supervised by NieR: Automata Director Yoko Taro. Art will also come from famed Final Fantasy illustrator, Toshiyuki Itahana.

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This novel is expected to take place before the opening events of the initial role playing title and follows YoRHa Experimental Unit M, a squadron composed of YoRHa male type models established for the purpose of collecting a full range of behavioral data. While there isn’t a whole lot more detail regarding the fate of these male types, we expect it will reveal a lot more about these constructs made in the image of humanity

The news of a novel based on the Nier Automata franchise follows not long after the Nier Symphony set its sights on a world tour, bringing the music and visuals from the game to an audience across America and Europe. Bringing unearthly music from the cult video game to a live audience in Bangkok, London, and Chicago, the Nier: Orchestra concert is just another way that fans of the franchise can explore their love for the game. If you haven’t played this phenomenal RPG yet then you can still grab it across PC, Playstation 4, and Xbox One. Developed by Platinum Games, it explores the post-apocalyptic setting and android protagonists take a traditional hack and slash RPG and wrap it in deep questions around existence, humanity, and the consequences of our actions. Seriously, go and grab it if you haven’t played it.

If you want to find out more about the upcoming Nierr novel, head over to the Square Enix Books website now.



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