Nintendo eShop, Indie Titles Set for Switch Launch

With the launch of the Switch coming on March 3rd, players are curious about what will come with it. You can rest assured that the eShop will be open and filled with a nice array of independent titles on the big day. Three will be immediately out on March 3rd with up to 60 more in the coming days.

Nintendo will be hosting a special showcase of games. You can tune in on Tuesday, February 28th to see a sample of the 60 games coming at launch. You can tune in at 9:00 am Pacific / 12:00 pm Eastern.

What’s Coming on Switch Launch Day?

You asked, we answer. On launch day, players can immediately get hold of three titles from the eShop:

  • Fast RMX – split screen anti-gravity racing
  • Shovel Knight Specter of Torment – a full featured game with a ‘massive campaign’
  • Shovel Knight Treasure Trove – this includes the original game and all previous DLC

Nothing will hold you back either. Straight up from launch, if you have money on any Nintendo account, you’ll be able to use it here too. Just link your Network ID / Account to the new console and, boom! Done!

Nintendo has promised to make more information available soon including what other games might be coming and more. Keep eyes on the official site in the coming weeks and months for further details.


  1. Shovel Knight day one for sure.

    • Follow up – I did indeee buy Shovel Knight. ?

  2. And it’s glorious?

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