A lucky NeoGAF user by the name of hiphoptherobot got his hands on Nintendo Switch 2 weeks before the console is officially out. He posted a video of its unboxing earlier this week as well as a recording of initial setup process. A very keen-eyed Twitter used BjoernTheSmexy noticed an interesting message during the showcase.
Here is the tweet with screen from Nintendo Switch video:
Would you take a look at this: Purchases from the eShop are tied to your Nintendo Account. pic.twitter.com/SyC1BIZm0V
— Bjoern the Switchy (@BjoernTheSmexy) 17 February 2017
For those with eyesight not as keen as that of smexy Bjoern, the picture says the following. The user’s Nintendo Account contains history of their eShop purchases. Additionally, after re-linking the account to initialized console, you would be able to re-donload software or DLCs bought from that account. Of course, there is a but. Namely, discontinued softaware may not be available in some cases.
Nintendo Switch officially launches on March 3.
You can find the video mentioned in the article below.