Nintendo Switch Links Purchases From eShop To Your Nintendo Account

A lucky NeoGAF user by the name of hiphoptherobot got his hands on Nintendo Switch 2 weeks before the console is officially out. He posted a video of its unboxing earlier this week as well as a recording of initial setup process. A very keen-eyed Twitter used BjoernTheSmexy noticed an interesting message during the showcase.

Here is the tweet with screen from Nintendo Switch video:

For those with eyesight not as keen as that of smexy Bjoern, the picture says the following. The user’s Nintendo Account contains history of their eShop purchases. Additionally, after re-linking the account to initialized console, you would be able to re-donload software or DLCs bought from that account. Of course, there is a but. Namely, discontinued softaware may not be available in some cases.

Nintendo Switch officially launches on March 3.

You can find the video mentioned in the article below.

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