Nioh Dragon of the North DLC launching May 2nd

The dragon is coming...

Nioh’s getting its first round of DLC, and it’s coming on May 2nd. The PS Blog today revealed that Dragon of the North DLC is coming out next week, and then went on to describe in detail what the epic Action RPG has in store.

From the blog:

Dragon of the North will take place in the Oshu region and introduce the ambitious ruler, Masamune Date, also known as the “One-Eyed Dragon”. Just when you thought that peace was finally restored in Japan, we’ve now begun to hear troubling rumors that the One-Eyed Dragon is secretly gathering spirit stones, setting a stage for more unrest and mayhem to take hold.

Nioh: Dragon of the North

Prepare to defy death once again as you will face a variety of new Yokai and imposing enemies set in exciting new stages. But rest assured, we will provide you with some formidable ammunition of your own to negotiate your battles. With new Guardian Spirits, armor, ninja skills, magic and a brand new weapon called the Odachi, you should be well prepared to take on your foes. Last but not least, we are proud to introduce the long-awaited PvP feature (PS Plus subscription required), which will provide an exhilarating new element to the experience.

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