No Man’s Sky Origins Launch Trailer

Last Friday, the developers of sandbox adventure No Man’s Sky have taken to the official site to announce a new update coming to the game. The team called it Origins “because it is the beginning of something new, as No Man’s Sky continues to grow and evolve”. Now the team from Hello Games has shared the launch trailer, introducing players to the new content.

Update 3.0, “Origins”, dramatically expands the universe of No Man’s Sky. Explore a stranger, richer and more varied universe, with deeper planetary diversity, dramatic new terrain, a host of new creatures, new weather conditions, colossal buildings, and much more:

  • Existing solar systems have birthed new planets, creating millions of untouched new worlds to explore.
  • Some rare systems are now home to multiple stars, creating stunning new patterns in the sky.
  • These new worlds have vast, sweeping terrain. Their mountains and vistas are on a colossal new scale, giving shape to more dramaticawe-inspiring scenery than ever before.
  • New life has been breathed into every planet in the universe. A huge range of never-before seen planetary flora and curiosities have been poured into the galaxy. Countless strange new combinations are out there, awaiting discovery…
  • Discover strange new species of fauna. This alien wildlife can be encountered roaming the terrain, rolling along it, or even burrowing through it – and all may be harvested for edible produce.
  • A number of fertile worlds have formed swamps and marshes, thick with mist and luminous fungal growths.
  • Enormous buildings have risen on planetary horizons, creating new hubs of alien life. These huge vaults are repositories of datatreasure, and directions to long-forgotten ruins.
  • Abandoned and ancient settlements can be discovered on dead or anomalous planets, increasing the range of planets available for missions and exploration.

Check out the official site to find out more about what’s arriving with the update such as the photo mode, improved teleporters, increased color variety and much more!

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